My future husband took me to the emergency room on our second date. I had a UTI. That's when I knew he was a keeper.

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Put it in the vows

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Yet another wonderful column! I love your writing.

I can't recall whether I read it in your column, in a book or heard it in a dream, but someone said that some people write stories, some people live stories. You are living your 'stories'. Yay!

Happy holidays. Stay well!

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thank you!!! You, too!!

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Girl, I once had a UTI and my doctor tracked me down in a remote Northern Saskatchewan town because he was so concerned about me getting a debilitating kidney infection. UTI’s are no joke! Let’s normalize saying that as often and as loudly as possible!

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SO GOOD JESSICA PAN although reading this brought back painful memories of when I had a UTI in New York on holiday alone and spent $150 dollars on antibiotics at a random CitiMD urgent care because I thought I was going to DIE so, I suppose this piece has made me feel understood.

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YOU COULD HAVE DIED!!!!!! That $150 was worth it

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"T'was the UTI before Christmas... when all through the land, not a GP was available--not even for ten grand; The meds were lined on the shelves with care, in hopes that a pharmacist soon would be there; The women were desperate, all anxious to pee; while visions of urethras danced with great glee;" Yeesh, I could go on... but clearly, someone's been writing waaaay too many Hallmark flicks :)

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….but why didn’t the Antarctica woman just cut all her hair off and start fresh?! Surely it wasn’t worth 6 weeks of detangling….

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She should have cut it all off before going!

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Better planning needed for her next trip I think

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Late here but from her name im guessing shes sikh? and therefore may not have wanted to cut her hair for religious reasons!

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That's what I thought! Like immediately.

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My husband and I lived with our in-laws for the first six months we were married. The week after our wedding, I got my first UTI. I had to sit at the dinner table and tell my mother-in-law what was wrong, and the look that passed between us was so embarrassingly knowing that it still gets brought up today, fifteen years later.

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This was the Christmas movie plot I didn’t know I needed in life, it is very relatable . I had two UTIs in my early 20s , and it was so painful. Thankfully I didn’t have to go to the ER but I do know that cranberry juice isn’t going to cut it , although friends mean well (I needed antibiotics as most do).

Also, there is this large reusable water bottle they sell online that has the AM and PM times , and the point is that by looking at it you are reminded to drink water, just an idea for your travels and because I now have turned into a stranger on the internet worried about your water intake 😩

Also happy to read about a reasonable person from Texas haha . Merry Christmas from NY!🎄❄️

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You’ve been having adventures! I hope you miss out on the ER this year, though.

Btw, I once ushered during a week of performances at what can only be the same silent Napoleon movie (starring Albert Dieudonne, who we ushers called New Romantic Napoleon because of the makeup) that your giftee attended. Many people asked me why a teenage girl would volunteer for over 50 hours of silent Napoleon in one week at minimum wage, and I tried to explain to them that it was my Everest. Plus, the live orchestra.

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You're nuts, Jess. In all the best ways.

Wishing you and yours an eventful, prosperous and UTI-free Christmas, 2024 and the rest of your lives why not.

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Yeah, why not! You too!!!

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What a great essay! I too have ended up in the ER- twice- but I preferred mine between turkey & dessert on Thanksgiving- while traveling in a state I don’t live in. So. Much. Fun! I’d forgotten (blocked) those times until reading this. Thanks for the memories!

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Just one woman dropping in to say, No, it’s not “a bit over the top.” Having just missed both my birthday party AND my makeup birthday party a few days later due to the fact that I was at the urgent care center both days with a terrible UTI, I can definitively support that plot device! Fingers crossed that the holidays will bring you the gift of a happy bladder this year. 🤞🧑‍🎄

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I heard D-mannose is a supplement we can take daily that can help!! Yours in UTI solidarity xx

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This is the only thing that worked for me in a year of recurring UTIs! Pretty sure that stress was the main factor preventing me from kicking it 🤦‍♀️

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I enjoyed reading this! Two things I relate to - I do the sauna/ice bath combo once a week and enjoy it although the ice bath gets tougher in the winter months! I also feel your pain - I get my UTIs in the summer and I’m convinced there’s no worse feeling than having to text your boss to let them know you won’t make it in as you’re pissing blood 🫠

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I laughed out loud at “but the extreme cold prevented me from saying things like, “But I’ve lived in London for ten years, and I’m a very reasonable person.” “ because that is EXACTLY how that works. Something about the transition from hot/cold/hot makes it impossible to say anything that isn’t at top volume! Loved this piece- thanks!

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As an older woman, I also get frequent UTIs (no men involved) because one you pass menopause and stop producing estrogen, your tissues thin and make you more prone to UTIs. Just an FYI for your future, and for all women out there who don't know. So, I feel your pain. Also, always carry AZO to at least relieve the pain while you're waiting to get into the emergency room.

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I audibly guffawed at this "When it finally did, the two nurses on duty clapped for me". I'm sorry if you didn't mean it to be funny <3 It was equally tender : )

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